My Spring Time Liver Cleanse

spring cleanse banner

My favourite time of year for a cleanse. It feels naturally right to me to cleanse in the spring. The body starts to let you know its craving a cleanse, it wants to feel lighter, brighter and renewed.The famous saying spring clean, is perfectly suited as we start to de clutter and clean,  letting more fresh air and more space into our homes.

Our bodies also crave the same attention as the space we live in, and spring is the perfect time for it as we come out of hibernation from the colder months.

spring cleanse

The organ that is linked to spring time is the liver in Chinese medicine.

Our livers are constantly working hard for us, filtering toxins and hormones and doing its best to keep us healthy on a daily basis.

Spring time is a good time especially to give it some extra loving and a helping hand.

I’m excited to be launching my 7 day Spring Clean Detox Group Online Cleanse.


Contact me at info@hookedonhealth to book your programme

Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women on their journey to self love, vibrant health ,to reach their ideal weight and awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

The Vibrance Cleanse

spring flowers

I love a good old reset. I have it down to a fine art of 3 days. Its my reset cleanse I go to when welcoming in a new season, or if I want to wake up my creative spirit, have more clarity, feel lighter, give my skin an extra glow.

I’m going to share with you a quick over view of how it goes:

Day 1 to 3 

Wake up, drink a pint of filtered water with lemon.

Meditate for 15 minutes

Yoga for 30 minutes

Drink just green juice, herbal teas and water through out the day.

Coffee Enema & Castor oil pack each day.

Milk Thistle tincture taken 3 times a day.

Dry skin brush & a Himalayan salt bath before bed.

Bed by 10pm.

Day 4

Break the cleanse with some juicy watermelon. Introduce solid food back in slowly.

I love how much more time I have when I juice fast too! Always makes me feel amazing and ready to take on the world.

Plus the bonus of brighter, skin, eyes and softer skin is of course welcomed gladly.

Give it a go!

Let me know how you get on.

If you don’t have time to make your own juice or have a juicer but want to do a cleanse.. You can get a green juice cleanse from Juice Rehab. 

This cleanse is called Vibrance.

green juice vibrance


Which comes with liver support and colon cleansing support for amazing results!

Among other things, green juice alkalises your body and gets your intestines working properly… You get great skin because your liver and your guts are working properly, and you stay slim because all of your bodily functions are in line, and your hormones are balanced—your skin is a direct reflection of what’s happening in your guts.


Happy Spring Cleansing beauties xx

Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at




Raw Cacao – Is It For You?

raw cacao

Raw Cacao:

Raw Cacao. Raw Chocolate. Raw Hot Chocolates. Raw Chocolate puddings.

So many options!

There is a lot of raw chocolate available now, it’s growing and fast.  Its so much healthier than processed chocolate which is great. Its definitely a healthier choice and I love the fact that there are healthier indulgent choices available to us now.

However over the last 5 years I have had a love hate relationship with raw chocolate/cacao and in the last 2 years I have really woken up and had to listen to my body and realise I feel much better when I don’t eat it!

Has this always been the case? I mean it’s a superfood how can this be possible?

My journey with raw cacao:

My first taste of raw chocolate was amazing, I loved it. I always loved dark chocolate and this was dense, dark and delicious.

For the first few years of my raw vegan journey my relationship with raw chocolate went a bit like this : “It’s a superfood? Brilliant. Give me more!”

I went a bit overboard, I loved making lots of different chocolate desserts, tonics and chocolates from the cacao powder and I still do love making them.

When I look back on my first experiences with chocolate I noticed it gave me a buzz, my sensitive body felt very stimulated from it, I would feel hot and my heart would beat faster ,I would feel a bit sweaty and my face would feel really hot.

I knew before my raw cacao experiences that my body didn’t like stimulants such as caffeine, and it gave me a similar feeling that I would get with coffee or green tea..  but not as bad..

Intuition Is A Powerful Thing:

My intuition was telling me for a long time that raw cacao was not a food that made me thrive, however I carried on eating it,  and I personally found it very addictive. Plus it was a superfood! I was in denial.

The longer I ignored my intuition, I started to experience more migraine headaches, anxiety and a feeling of adrenal fatigue… the day after I would consume chocolate I would feel a little hung over.

For a long time I didn’t want to believe it was the chocolate that was causing it..

My Conclusion:

I have come across more and more people that are have trouble with cacao..

It is not good for everyone. Moderation is the key if you don’t feel addicted .

For me consumed in very tiny amounts and not every day or every week and for now I am avoiding it all together.

Sensitive Types:

All of our bodies are unique, and our bodies all react to food differently even so called superfoods! This is the case even with raw chocolate. Especially for the very sensitive types, people who are sensitive to stimulants of any kind. I would be classed in that category.

This kind of person is usually someone who needs to stay in a very fine balance to feel good, and take care not to be over stimulated and knock them off their sweet spot. Again this is me.

Pitta & Vata Dosha 

I’ve also learnt that raw cacao may over stimulate and overheat a pitta dosha type and aggravate vata types according to ancient ayurvedic medicine.


Listen To Your Unique Body

I just want you to be really aware of how raw cacao feels in your body? Not just raw cacao but any superfood .. just because something is classed as healthy or a superfood doesn’t mean its the right thing for you to thrive.

I  am not attacking raw cacao, or disputing its high nutritional content.. but I am wary of the effects it has on SOME people. Especially sensitive, and addictive personality types..


I have been off the cacao for a month now. I have done these experiments before, and I do personally find cacao addictive! So once I start eating it again.. I find it hard to not.. I am wary of foods that cause addiction.. there could be a number of reasons for this with cacao. The caffeine content ? The fact that it release ‘s chemicals in the brain that make you feel loved. I mean who doesn’t want to feel more of that?!


I have realised if i do eat it, in larger quantities.. I get a migraine headache and symptoms that my liver dislikes it, such as an itchy forehead and itchy eyebrows and I feel very hot which can come from an aggravated  liver.

Word cloud for Adrenal fatigue


I also start to feel anxious if I eat too much cacao, I can notice the difference in my nervous system and especially my adrenals, a wired and tired feeling.

Another reason I am cutting out the cacao and why my body may not like the high copper content it has and from my last hair analysis test  my result came back with copper toxicity, so chocolate is not a good choice for me at the moment anyway.

So how do you feel when you have raw cacao?

If you feel wonderful.. awesome!

If you don’t.. ? Firstly don’t worry, awareness is the first step. Then you can decide what to do next that is best for you to thrive 🙂

Other Options:

I am loving Lucuma at the moment! This is my indulgent replacement for some sweetness in my puddings, chocolate and cakes. Also carob is another good option.

Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

Pecan & Lucuma Chia Pudding



A super quick easy breakfast or snack..  and soooo deliciously good for you.

Pecan & Lucuma Chia Pudding

  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds
  • 2 cups of pecan nut milk (see below for homemade)
  • 1 tbsp of goji berries
  • 1 tbsp lucuma powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  1. Add all ingredients to a glass jar
  2. Stir well
  3. Then let sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Top with chopped pecans and serve

Pecan Nut Milk

  • 1 cup of pecans (soaked if possible for 12 hours)
  • 3-4 cups of water
  • 2 medjool dates
  • pinch of sea salt
  1. Add all ingredients to your blender.
  2. Blend until smooth
  3. Sieve through a nut milk bag
  4. Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.


Lots  of Love & Wellness



If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at


My Liver Made Me Do It..


One area of health that’s always interested me is the connection between the health of our organs and our emotions .

Lets look at the liver from a chinese medicine point of view.

In chinese medicine most organs are connected to an emotion.

The liver is linked to anger.

Did you know that the liver can store emotions such as anger and resentment?

A toxic liver can lead to anger problems and problems controlling or letting go of anger.

What I’m saying is the health of your liver can have an effect on how you feel emotionally in your body and in your life.  The more toxic you may be you may feel the anger  longer, more intensely, more passionately, and have a difficult time letting it go.

It’s not just anger, it can be jealousy, guilt and other low vibe emotions:

Irritation, impatience, being overly critical, rage, hate, angry outburst, over reactivity, feelings of not feeling heard, not feeling loved, not being recognized, judgment, racism, the need to control, inability to express your feelings in a grounded/balanced way, lack of joy, denial and inability to be honest with yourself and others, inability to be authentic or any addiction of any kind.

Clearing these negative emotions is one of my favourite reasons on why I love a liver cleanse and spring is my favourite time to do this.

In Taoist Yoga the liver represents the wood element and it resonates with the spring season, a wonderful time to cleanse. The gallbladder is the associated organ.

Other ways of loving your liver happy :

To heal and restore the liver, breathe the color green into the organ, allowing it rejuvenate. Imagine the green light of the liver over flowing into the gallbladder. Next blow out black smoke color (the toxins) while creating the “Shhhh” sound.

A great healing affirmation for our liver could be:

Love and Peace and Joy are What I Know.”

Take good care of your organs and remember, smiling to your organs is highly beneficial at reducing stress and maintaining health and longevity.  The more we send communication to the organs that things are okay and all is well, the more we activate the true healing of the body.

Don’t repress anger:

When anger arises, if we would give it a few minutes to be fully felt, without overreacting and unleashing it on another being ~ we would release it. If completely suppressed it tends to manifest as physical issues including neck and shoulder pain, headaches and migraines,


A happy healthy liver will help you feel :

Kindness, Generosity and Love.

On the positive side, the liver is the organ which compels us to take action, to do something new, to innovate and to make a decision. Creativity is down to the liver, having the urge to express yourself, or creatively solve a problem.

Lets all show our livers some love for more love.

Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

My 6 Day Liver Cleanse


My liver cleanse went really well! In total it was 6 days.

The first two days were to prepare my body for the flush, lots of apples are ingested as the malic acid in them  softens the stones that will be released from the liver. This is important for a successful cleanse.

Stones? What do you mean stones?

The stones that come out when you do the flush are said to be gallstones and stones from the biliary tubing, releasing these can dramatically improve digestion which is the basis of health. It is the job of the liver to make bile,  the liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about 20 minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.

green apple

Day 1 

  • 2 pints of green juice – apple, kiwi, pear, celery, ginger, lemon and cucumber
  • Ate 6 organic apples apples throughout the day
  • Lots of filtered water
  • Lots of herbal tea
  • 2 x shots of apple cider vinegar

I had a warm essential oil bath followed by a castor oil pack. I went to a rose quartz crystal meditation class in the evening, and slept like a baby when I got home.

Green juice 1

Day 2

Woke up feeling good, a little hungry.

  • Pint of filtered water with lemon
  • 1.5 pints of green juice – apple, kiwi, celery, lemon, parsley, ginger and cucumber.
  • Ate 8 organic apples throughout the day
  • Lots of dandelion tea
  • Lots of filtered water
  • 2 x shots of apple cider vinegar

I did a castor oil pack in the morning, followed by a warm epsom salt bath. In the evening I did a coffee enema to get my colon cleansed and ready for the flush the next day. (You must do a colon cleanse before you do a liver flush) I dry skin brushed my whole body before I went to bed. I started to feel a little nauseous and could feel my liver and body releasing toxins, I drank lots of water to help flush them out.

How to do a coffee enema:

This enema is great for when you are feeling very overloaded with toxins or have a cleansing headache.

  • 4 Tbs. organic, full strength coffee grounds
  • 3 cups boiled water
  • 1 cup cold water


  1. Boil up the water to a simmer.
  2. Add the coffee and simmer on low for 15 minutes.
  3. Let stand for 10 minutes
  4. Then sieve so you are just left with the liquid.
  5. Pour 2-3 cups into a jar and top with cold filtered water until it is room temperature.
  6. Administer the coffee into your colon and hold for 15 minutes if possible.
  7. Please be sure to do a plain water enema to purge your colon before doing the coffee enema.
  8. You can warm the rest of the coffee mix  up the next morning by adding 1 cup boiling water till it is room temperature again.


Day 3

I woke up feeling much better and with quite a lot of energy and motivation for the day ahead.   I did another coffee enema in the morning and a castor oil pack and epsom salt bath, whilst pampering my self with my favourite face mask .

This is the day I start the flush. To do the flush you need to adhere to some time frames and ingredients. This is the protocol I followed:

Liver Flush Protocol

This is a powerful detoxifying process that releases gallstones and other debris from the gall bladder and liver helping to restore proper functioning of these organs

Malic acid dissolve and soften gallstones. The magnesium in the Epsom salt relaxes the sphincter of the gallbladder and bile ducts, allowing for the easy passage of the softened, shrunken stones without dehydrating the body as regular salt flushes can. Finally, the olive oil causes a strong contraction of the gallbladder and liver, forcing out stored wastes, bile, and stones. These wastes and stones are then excreted.


  • 4 tbsp epsom salts
  • Olive Oil
  • Grapefruit
  • Filtered water

2pm – Start to fast, no more solid food , so no more apples in my case. You can still have  green juice up until 1pm. Then just water onwards.

6pm – 1 tbsp of epsom salt sin 3/4 cup of water. Drink.

8pm – 1 tbsp of epsom salt sin 3/4 cup of water. Drink.

10pm – 8oz of olive oil with 8oz of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice mixed together well. Drink.

You can apply another caster oil pack before you drink the olive oil concotion. Which I did.

Lay down on your bed on your right side straight after the olive oil and citrus drink.  Try to remain laying still for at least 20 minutes and even better go to sleep for the night. This is when your liver will get to work, its important to remain laying down if you can.

Day 4

This is the day you will release the stones and another coffee enema is recommend later in the day.

Continue with juices and blended foods today and break the fast with organic  fruit. Have a light salad later in the day. Avoid heavy dishes and nuts for at least a couple of days.

7am – 1 tbsp of epsom salt sin 3/4 cup of water. Drink.

9am – 1 tbsp of epsom salt sin 3/4 cup of water. Drink.

11am – Coffee Enema

2pm – I had some watermelon to break my fast

3pm – Green juice.

6pm – Steamed broccoli & cauliflower


Day 6

I carried on eating light raw foods the following day, and introduce fats back in slowly. I did another coffee enema to make sure I had released all the stones and toxins. This is important as you don’t want to reabsorb the toxins your body has released from the liver and gallbladder.

  • Lemon  & apple cider vinegar tonic
  • Green Juice
  • An apple
  • Coconut water & spirulina
  • Soaked & cooked quinoa, avocado and red pepper salad
  • Chia, goji &  lucuma porridge
  • Thai courgette noodles

My Results

I feel great, my body is craving lighter foods, my skin and eyes are clearer and brighter. I feel really revitalised.

I did experience detox symptoms on day 2, 3 and 4. However it passed quickly with lots of water and enema’s to help the toxins out quickly.

My body feels like it has had a great spring clean 🙂


Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

Love Your Liver Cleanse

liver detox

I’m in the middle of a three-day liver cleanse. I’m following a protocol for a liver and gallbladder flush. I have done 2 flushes before back in 2006, I was guided to try another one and I will be blogging my results once I’m done.

As I’ve mentioned before Spring time is the best time to cleanse the liver, and you may already be getting the urge to lighten it up.. and a gentle liver cleanse can really help.

Here are some gentle liver cleanse idea’s that you can add in on a daily basis. Foods that are great for the liver are usually sour and bitter. These foods stimulate the bile flow within the liver, and the bile helps remove waste from the organs and blood.

beetroot juice

My favourite liver cleansing foods:

  • Lemons
  • Beetroot
  • Carrots
  • Parsley
  • Wheatgrass
  • Rocket
  • Radish
  • Watercress
  • Turmeric
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic
  • Green Tea – Matcha
  • Apples
  • Leafy Greens
  • Dandelion
  • Artichoke
  • Milk Thistle


I also have a great recipe for a liver cleanse drink that you can try:

 Love Your Liver

Go on give that liver some Love!

Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

My Copper Cleanse – Balancing Copper & Zinc For Health

hair analysis

I recently had a hair mineral test done. It’s one of my favourite tests that i’ve found this last year and so helpful in my own health journey.

I find the test such a valuable tool with my clients now also, as it gives us a look into the bodies mineral levels, especially over the last 3 months. The hair is taken from the roots at the back of the head, underneath (so no don’t worry it doesn’t show)  and results come back in 2 weeks with a report.

I  find all the information out there linked to minerals and our health amazingly helpful and with each report that comes back ,the mineral imbalance or toxicity have been spot on with symptoms my clients have been having. It also gives you a good idea of what supplements you need and the ones you don’t, instead of just guessing!

hair mineral report

From what i’ve learnt mineral balance is VERY important for a vibrantly healthy body. Our bodies are always working at trying to keep these in perfect balance but due to diets, stress, chemicals, and heavy metals we can find ourselves out of balance, and this can cause health problems. Left undetected, such subtle nutrient disparities can have devastating and chronic impacts on health.

My own hair analysis came back showing that my copper was too high, and this wasn’t really a surprise to me. I do have some symptoms of copper toxicity and it was one of the reasons I started eating meat again, to help with my zinc levels which had got low on a close to vegan diet. I was actually drawn to eating more animal foods before I knew about my copper toxicity and zinc deficiany., which just shows that the body knows what it’s doing, it was telling me I needed more zinc and animal foods are a good source for me personally.

Copper toxicity is something I believe I may of had for a while.. maybe even since being a teenager, I used to swim a lot and do synchronised swimming in a old fashioned pool. Old swimming pools with copper pipes can cause copper overload in the body.

Copper toxicity can also cause endometriosis which is what I was diagnosed with in my early 20’s. Luckily I have been able to manage all symptoms of this through following a healthy holistic lifestyle for 10 years now. I don’t have any symptoms of endo at all now.

Copper Toxicity can also cause depression, and I did struggle with this especially in my teens, and it’s the reason I love yoga, meditation, journalling, walking in nature, eating well, these are all my tools to keep myself in  a good high vibe place.

Other symptoms of copper & zinc imbalance

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • severe PMS
  • learning disabilities
  • headaches
  • impaired memory
  • behavior changes
  • loss of appetite and taste perception
  • slowed sexual maturation
  • sensitive skin
  • hair loss
  • diarrhea
  • delayed wound healing

Because I did go the route of a raw vegan, and then high raw, for a number of years. I feel I did not get enough of the essential mineral zinc which would of helped with my copper toxicity. The raw vegan lifestyle was a great cleanse for me and I loved what I learnt from it,and I went that way for a reason, I believe that everything happens for a reason, but I am now much more aware of how unique everyone is, and health is about really finding balance and making sure you are getting all the minerals you need. Zinc is so important and I didn’t realise at the time that I was just not getting any where near enough for my already copper toxic body.

Copper excess and zinc deficiency is actually  very common and this is because of a few reasons. The common problem being that most people are eating copper dominant foods and not enough zinc strong foods.

Most people are deficient in zinc. Plant sources of zinc are bound by anti-nutrients like phytic acid and therefore not easily absorbed. While irritating phytates can be neutralized by the processes of soaking and sprouting nuts nuts, legumes and grains (as was practiced in many traditional cultures), your average handful of granola, slice of bread have certainly not been prepared with such care.


Zinc Rich Foods:

  • Red meat,
  • Egg yolk,
  • Organ meats,
  • Seafood-
  • Certain nuts, seeds,

Beef/lamb liver and oysters are by far the best sources of this powerful mineral, with four times the absorption rate of their plant counterparts, and a balanced ratio of other trace minerals.


Overall, copper is not a sweepingly bad nutrient- in fact it is critical to the formation of many essential enzymes and is necessary for normal metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis and red blood cell formation. However, copper is highly reactive and needs to be consumed within a relatively narrow range and balanced by zinc intake- else it easily becomes dominant and suppresses the levels of other trace minerals.

Because grains and other plant-based foods tend to have a higher copper to zinc ratio, it can be  driving copper levels up if intake is not properly balanced with adequate zinc-rich meats, organ meats and seafood

Another element that often goes unrecognized is  copper sources existing in our environment, which can contribute to toxicity when experienced in excess. For example, chemical-treated water flowing through copper pipes  into our drinking water. There is also copper found in multivitamins, medications, dental fixtures, cookware, birth control, fungicides, and pesticides. Thus while copper-containing foods are certainly not hazardous in and of themselves, the cumulative sources can become problematic if not properly balanced.

So how can I balance my copper and zinc ? Well lets see what else may be contributing to my copper toxicity ..

I have been a bit of a raw cacao monster and I can find it quite addictive, plus guess what it’s high in .. Copper! Yes. I’ve actually known intuitively that I was eating too much raw chocolate and a little voice in my head kept telling me, “it isn’t serving you” and well chocolate makes you feel good, it releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel loved, so yeah I ignored that voice for a while.

Until I saw my hair mineral report and that gave me the extra support I needed.

Another food I eat LOTS of. Nuts! Especially cashews! Oh cashews..

Yes two foods that I was eating on a daily basis for months.. and also funnily enough I had already had that little voice tell me about nuts and cashews but yes I ignored it again, as I was so enjoying my grain free waffles with cashew butter in the mornings!

Another reason I believe my body wanted more grass fed animal foods because it was craving another source of healthy fats and nuts don’t have a balanced omega profile, they are higher in omega 6, which can mess with our hormones and make us break out if we eat too many..

Foods I am avoiding: 

  • Nuts
  • Chocolate

Foods I am Loving: beautifully balanced in the trace minerals zinc and copper

  • Oysters
  • Liver
  • Eggs
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Soaked Quinoa

I am also taking certain vitamins to help as copper can antagonise certain vitamins such as your b vitamins, vitamins C and I will be taking extra good care of my adrenals (stress and cortisol) as the adrenals must be working properly to stimulate the liver to remove excess copper.

I have already done 3 weeks of no chocolate or nuts and I feel great!

I’m looking forward to balancing my zinc and copper and to know my body is in balance, it’s empowering to be able to do that 🙂

If you are interested in finding out your own mineral levels – contact me here

Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

Bliss Balls



  • 1 cup of pitted medjool dates
  • 1 cup of almonds
  • 1/3 cup of coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 tbsp of raw cacao powder
  • ½ cup shredded coconut
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds


  1. Soak dates in warm water for 15 minutes to soften.
  2. Add nuts, cacao, coconut, chia seeds and the coconut oil to a food processor and mix.
  3. Add dates and process.
  4. If mixture is a little dry add some more coconut oil. It should the consistency of sticky dough.
  5. Roll mixture into bite size balls.



Todays Soul Food :


Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at

How To Make Your Home A Sanctuary Of Love


If there’s one thing I have learnt over the years of living a vibrant lifestyle it is the importance of the energy and environment you put yourself in. We don’t always have total control over what energy we find ourselves in.. say at work, the shopping centre, a crowded room.. However your home is a place that you can create the energy you wish to be in and feel. When you come home you want to feel like it is your safe place, filled with peace, calm, bliss,  your own sanctuary of love. Well that’s how I feel anyway! I’ve always been very sensitive to energy, so I find myself able to walk into a room and just sense if it feels “right”. Here I will share the ways I have cleared the energy in my own home so it feels warm, loving and the energy is free-flowing. feng shui

Smudging with sage:

Smudging with sage is an ancient and sacred ceremony , an indigenous American tradition.  It  allows you to effect the world of  spiritual energies using the spirits of powerful, healing plants.  If you have ever worked with yoga or meditation, you will understand that your body, and indeed, the spaces that you occupy, vibrate with invisible energy currents that can be strongly effected by outside forces, both physical and spiritual.

Smudging allows you to wash away all the emotional and spiritual negativity that gathers in your body and your space over time.

You can burn sage in all the rooms in your house focusing on the corners especially as this is where stagnant energy can get stuck. Make sure you have windows open in each room to let the smoke out and the old  unwanted energy.

Have the intention or say a prayer that as you smudge all the unwanted energy that does not serve you will be cleared and replaced with love and light.

Clearing with Crystals :

I love Crystals! Not only are they beautiful and all so unique, each one holds a different energy and can be used for so many different reasons and intentions. I believe that bringing crystals into my house brings with them a loving energy, especially the crystals you are specifically drawn to. Crystals will find their way to you if they are meant to, crystal shopping is so fun, you can just see which crystal catches your eye, then bring it home and place somewhere in your house that you feel would benefit.

Lighting Candles:

Candle light is so soothing, I find it very important to help the body wind down in the evening and relax. Have a healthy benefit on our hormones and cortisol levels. It brings a very homely feeling into the home, and everyone in the house will feeled relaxing, which encourages peaceful, relaxed loving energy.

heaven 2

De Clutter: Space and open space is where energy flows, clutter, stuffed drawers, all encourage stagnant energy. If you want to bring new things into your life, the old has to be cleared out to make space for it. To make space for love and light and positive vibrations a great way is to do a good old clear out, of unwanted things, organising paperwork, tidying out the junk drawer and going through your clothes. I do this regularly in my home and it always feels great. I feel so creative and ready for the new once I do this. You’ll feel your mind clearer too, and any stuck energy in the body will be free. I believe our outer environment reflects our inner. Burning oils: Essential oils are brilliant at lifting our moods, they can uplift us, relax us, energise us and calm us. I find that burning them around the house brings a spa feeling to your home, not only will it smell beautiful but you will feel like you have your own sanctuary and the energy in the house will love it. Fill it with life: Flowers and plants bring fresh oxygen into your home and they bring colour and life. They can really help lift the energy and create a beautiful environment. They smell good too and remind us of spring and summer which lights us up. Fill it with beauty: What do you find beautiful ? What colours do you love? What do you like to look at? This is important to surround ourselves with beauty, I do this with fresh flowers, and I am drawn to pastel decor and beautiful pictures on the wall. When you step into your home and are greeted by all the things you find beautiful you will feel happy and this happiness will fill your home. heaven 3 

Remember your work/office space:

Tidy your paperwork, keep it organised. Write a to do list, this is great for your mind and your office energy. Place beautiful things on your desk, flowers, photos, crystals. You will find you can work much better with energy free-flowing around you.


Be aware of the energy you bring into your home, from  a hard day, an argument, we all have those days, we are human. For me the best thing I can do is have a warm bath, water is great at clearing energy from the body. Meditate, just a quick meditation for 10 minutes will help you release any energy you wish to let go of. A hug, a hug from a friend or a loved one is a great way of shifting your energy to love and two people radiating out love is stronger than just one 🙂

Todays Soul Food :


Lots  of Love & Wellness


If you are interested in Health Coaching just contact me on my website through the consultation page.

Holistic Health Coach at Hooked on Health
Working with Women to reach their ideal weight, awaken their passion and spark for life.


  • Or if you are interested in getting started on your own Health Goals and Weight  loss journey with a one-on-one consultation contact me at